Is your business text compliant?

Established in Europe, the phrase “Penny wise and pound foolish” means a person who is stingy with small expenditures and extravagant with large ones, most often, wastefully. I see a lot of owners scrutinizing over business processes and expenses, and act accordingly to ensure those savings grow. Then when things get toughthose savings get spent on something drastic to try and draw in businesssuch as an enormous electric sign (and an enormous electricity bill). 

The savings garnered would have been better allocated on something that both the owner and the clients can utilize daily. Something that will help in the overall growth of the company.  

With growth in mind, texting has become the standard for most businesses in 2020How has your company adapted to all the industries major changes this year? Unfortunately for many, compliance to the law and control over information, has not been a top priority. This leads to TCPA violations that can result in penalties of up to $1500 per violation, with no cap on statutory damages.  

Are you staying compliant? Check out the top 5 kinds of text messages getting companies in big trouble!  


Unsolicited Texts  

Unsolicited text messages can get you in big trouble! You must have and maintain records of prior written and explicit consent to send your customers text message marketing campaigns. This also applies to customers on your list you may have collected years ago, before these permissions were required.  


Unknown Identity  

According to TCPA, your text messages must include the identity of the entity sending the text. Regardless of how your customer signed up to receive texts, your very first text must be a carrier compliance message confirming opt-in. It needs to include:  

Your Identity, Message Frequency, How to opt-out, and the fact that message and data rates may apply.

Inappropriate Hours and Too Frequent Texts 

Marketing text messages are TCPA allowed between 8 am and 9 pm, local time of the receiver. However, not all customers prefer the extremes of either end. Get to know your customers and try to text accordingly.   

As mentioned earlier, the frequency of promotional texts they can expect to receive should be clearly expressed in your confirmation opt-in text. Sending your customer too many can cost your business.  


Undisclosed Information 

First and foremost, you need an up-to-date privacy policy in place. It needs to include program detailscustomer usage functionality (like how to opt-out) and is accessible from the initial call-to-action (The program the customer signed up to receive marketing campaigns from) confirmation text. When you are asking your customer to sign up, be explicitly clear about what kind of texts you will be sending them. There should be easy access to your terms and conditions and customer care contact information. 


Disrespectful Phonetics  

This one is obvious, but worth mentioning. Speak to all your customers thoughtfully and carefully. Avoid using slang, overusing emojis, and make sure to double check your speech-to-text and spelling before sending a message.  


The average text is read within 90 SECONDS of being sent. Let your business outshine any billboard advertising with personalized (and compliant) marketing contentThe knowledge and advantages that compliance is completely taken care of also frees your time to nurture areas of potential commerce. Put your business in overdrive and get on the road to success today!

Click here to get started now!


Create a Great Day 
Tom Hampton 

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TCPA Violations can cost you BIG!

By Tom Hampton

TRUE fact, 95% of texts are read in 90 seconds or less after you send it. Texting is unquestionably an integral tool to engage consumers in 2020, HOWEVER, it is not without extensive legal and regulatory risks.

In order to survive and thrive, businesses must be mindful and play by the rules set forth by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, known as the TCPA founded in 1991. Car dealerships directly put their business at legal and financial risk each time they text, be it to correspond with a lead, with a customer, for collections, or sending inventory pics…the list goes on! TCPA penalties START at $500 and can go up to $1500 per text sent.


A customer submits a complaint that 5 texts were sent to without their permission. At a minimum, fees will start at $2,500, likely much more, as well as setting the way to a full investigation looking for compliance violations, often adding more fines.

How can the average dealer keep track of all the texts sent by the entire team, on top of the 5,000 other things they are currently doing? The solution is very simple and so cost effective it is scary! For less than one average auction fee and no long-term contracts, you are covered-7-ways-to-Sunday, 24/7/365.

Just like having a DMS to keep all your paperwork records and compliance, this is also a tool to keep your texting compliant! Did I mention that with this service, you see it all! No more guessing what your employees are texting to prospects, customers, or account holders! No more getting blind-sided by customers who say…’your salesman told me if I did this…. then y’all would do that for me!’

SOLUTIONS are what we do at Car Guys Agency. Effective, affordable solutions for your dealership. Give me a call or visit

5 Effective Ways to Get More out of Your Website

Blue Grey Photo Fitness Blog Graphic

By Tom Hampton             

November is upon us my friends! And shortly, so will be the end of 2020. Can anyone honestly say they will be sorry to see the year go? Actually, I can. 2020 has been the BEST year we have seen in the car business for almost 100 years! The playing field got leveled. Not only did the game change, but so did the rules we used to play by!  

Customers have raised the bar on us at least 10 times in just 7 short months. Test drives became delivered, financing went remote, texting and emails going ballistic overnight. The retailers of the world had to re-invent almost every process in their business to survive and start to grow again as the term in-person became obsolete.  

Which brings us to the topic at hand: Your website. Let’s explore 5 foundational tools your website should offer consumers to be truly impressive!  

1. Ease of navigation 

You do not have to spend a lot of money to have a website that navigates easily. Think about why customers are on your site. What are they looking to learn? They want to see specific vehicles and prices, finance options, reviews, and what steps they need to start the process. Can your customer easily contact you with questions? Each area should be easily identified and navigated to easily! This goes double for your mobile platform, especially as research shows nearly 60% of shoppers are on their devices.  

2. Clear/concise information 

It is really important that your customer can get all the facts from the information you present on your website. Are your photos accurate, good quality, and loading quickly? Is there a condition report posted with each vehicle? Eighty percent of consumers research a product online before purchasing. Providing your customers with both quantity and quality sources of information to make an informed purchase will give your website the advantage over your competitors. It can also really helpful to add a chat box to your website for customer who have questions and want immediate answers from available staff.  

3. Your values 

The values you and your team bring to the used car industry support the vision of your company.  Why should a stranger buy from you? What makes your company stand out? Let your customers know who you and your team are by including short bios, corporate goals and credos, and a commitment to providing an honest, satisfactory experience. Make sure there is a page for feedback from customers. This not only lets your customer feel heard, but also helps you improve the buying experience for future customers.  

4. Easy/Secure access to financing with payment calculator 

The major point to be made here is your customer must become a part of the process and not the subject. Your financing process should be clear, easy to follow, and the steps and required documentation listed. If you aren’t doing your own financing, let your customer know who you do use, with information about their process.   

Consumers nowadays want information about pricing and payments before they take the next step of speaking with a salesman. If you are using WordPress, search for a simple payment calculator plugin to add to your site, so customers can get an idea of what they will be paying.  

5. Transparency  

Transparency boils down to one underlying point…trust. In 2018, The Transparency Imperative Report found that 75% of consumers are more likely to switch to a brand that provided more in-depth product information. The same truth applies today, both to the vehicles you sell and the experience you and your team deliver.  

To conclude, invest the time for a thorough website evaluation. Remember that what you perceive as a value, may not impress your patrons. It is good practice to ask other team members and friends to also evaluate your site periodically and provide feedback of their thoughts and experience. If you are interested in taking your website to the next level, contact us for more information on Auto-Pilot Advertising!  

Create-A-Great-Future…only you can! 

Tom Hampton 

Keep it Close

to popular belief in the industry: IF you are selling 10 units a
month; you do not need
30 units on the ground.

time of year historically, dealers “Load Up” in anticipation of
Tax Season.

2019 that could prove to be a costly mistake.

I am selling 10 units every month I am going to have 13 – 15 really
good units “front line” ready and 3 in the shop.

business terms I am “Keeping It Close To The Vest” – minimizing
my cash out lay and maximizing my time.

me to elaborate …

– has been and will always be a Dealers #1 source of grief,
aggravation, time and money.

supply – no sales.

you’re keeping 30 units on hand and selling 12, well lets do the
“simple math.”

units (over what you need ) multiplied by an average of $500 unit
average recon = $7,500 cash out-of-pocket that you do not have to
spend there.

lets add 1 hr per unit “shopping” time & 3 hours per unit
(transport/recon/etc) = 4 hours per unit times 15 units = 60

So far, by slimming our
inventory we’ve managed to save 60 hours and $7,500!

I don’t know about you, but 60
more hours is the real exciting part for me.

$7,500 can get me better
(more) advertising, maybe a new sign or a better web page, possibly a
marketing program or…. used where it’s needed most!

let’s get back to supply; with over 4 thousand dealers just
in the Houston area alone that equals LOTS of competition for the
same units.

same 2008 Impala I am bidding on in a major urban auction will
be less expensive at a smaller auction ( 100 dealers instead of 600
dealers there).

what does all this have to do with your dealership – TRAVEL

my friend.

If you want a more “steady”
supply stream; you’re going to wind up on the road (physically or
electronically) buying 200, 300, 500 miles or more away from home!

That brings in ADDED cost –

Florida – let’s figure $800 (usually less) on a unit I bought
online for $1500
in back

of what I could buy one here. I’m still $700 ahead of the game when
the unit arrives!

That means more profit at
market price OR a lower market price (usual profit) = quicker sale!

you can take your time and really “shop” – good and sometimes
great deals are there to be found.

unit and
to buy it from someone they feel they can trust (that is an entire
days class I teach – building trust).

does all this add up to … simply put; it all adds up to more
on your part!

Keeping better, lower mileage
units (time for shopping is now freed up) and working on the
important things like marketing (gotta know who you are, what you
carry and how to get you)!

More is NOT always better!

I would rather have 15 solid
units (one’s I wouldn’t hesitate to hand my MOM the keys to) over 25
to 30 units that some little something is always going wrong with.

Time to reconsider your

As always I am available for
private consultations.

Riding Out the Holiday Season

Christmas is a unique time of year in the automotive industry, sales are historically very slow in most markets of the U.S., and Texas in particular.

Most of you know that I travel extensively across Texas, and so far I have found sales to be slow with ONE exception – CASH.

For decades I have known and passed on to my dealers: from late October until mid February CASH cars are king!

I have dealers all across the state still selling 18 – 25 cash cars – EVEN in December.

Depending on your market / advertising / transparency the pricing ranges from $6,500 up to $11,500 with mileage from 110k to 140k – pay ATTENTION to what I just said!

  • Target market = knowing to “whom” you are advertising / their pricing point and the particularly “hot” vehicle they are after.

This will greatly affect what you are purchasing and from where you purchase.

This is where recon is KING and having a standard 60 /80/120 point STANDARIZED check list is worth it’s weight in gold!

Having all of your inventory go through the same process of reconditioning only assures MORE customer satisfaction and can be on Hell-Of-A-Closing tool for higher gross profit.

Having a DMS (dealer management software – like Frazer) can be an invaluable tool because of the information with in.

What color car sells the quickest?

Which make of vehicle sits on the lot the longest?

Where are your advertising leads doing their best?

All of this information including zip code analysis and more is available to you right now. Most DMS companies can create custom reports for their clients for a small fee or no fee at all!

Having a CRM (customer relationship management software – like Selly Automotive) allows you to “funnel” all those leads through one place with plenty of “tools” built in for calendaring / email / texting / photo sharing / price quoting / etc.

Having all that in one place, along with reminders for you about followup (which leads to more sales and referrals) allows you more productivity and less “Oh Crap I Forgot to …” !

If you have salespeople, you can watch “how” your lead is being handled and what is being said – not to mention switch prospects between salespeople, should the need arise (vacation/termination/etc.).

  • Niche Advertising = knowing where your dollars get their most return – not only in number of leads generated but also in leads closed.

Where is your target market looking first?

Is social media important in your target markets PURCHASING criteria?

If so and you know nothing about social media (Facebook/Twitter etc) then HIRE someone or some company to do it for you!!!

****WARNING**** you had best do 2 things when “contracting out” your advertising

– 1st ask for references and verify that results are worth the money

– 2nd Preview and authorize all verb-age and campaigns BEFORE they are posted
(remember it is YOUR license on the line here if a complaint is lodged).

How much will you spend in advertising in order to garner a sale?

Average advertising dollars that I see being spent out there is $300 per unit.

That being the case the WHY are some of you still only adverting on Craigslist “For Sale By Owner” (besides a lie to the customer – which by-the-way BLOWS your credibility you are limiting yourself to that niche market only) ?

  • Transparency = knowing when to “show your hand” and what to show is now a crucial and key part of today’s selling.

When you have certain standards in place (recon check list and procedures) these become major assets to your sales.

Today’s buyer wants to know as much about your vehicle as possible (CarFax / Autocheck/ NADA / Recalls / etc.) BEFORE it becomes their vehicle and the burden is on you for this information.

Now if this is a $2,995 unit – they can spend the money for the CarFax, however if it were me – I would still provide one (procedures – standards in place).

Your reputation is EVERYTHING in this business – that and most dealers out there are STILL conducting their business based off a 100yr old model.

Business has changed and if you are not willing to keep up and make some changes in your business thinking – then do not complain when you are left behind and your sales tank !

If I had a prospect that was curious as to the vehicle’s condition – promise you they would have an overload on their hands. I would gladly show all my pictures (showing any and all imperfections) along with my recon report showing what I did and what I did not do. Then my CarFax, NADA retail sheets and a “Drive Out” price quote. If my unit is more expensive than another one that prospect is looking at – then I am going to use those reports to build value in my unit / my dealership and myself. People pay for quality and value – EVERY TIME. As a matter of fact in most instances once value outstrips price – people buy!

OK, so there you have a successful formula
to “Ride Out” the Holidays.

Create-a-great-future : One day at a time, one client at a time

From all of us at Tom Hampton Agency (Tom/Lety/Ana/Denise/Barbara)
e send our warmest wishes for you and yours – that this season is one of great abundance
(Family, Friends, Love, Health and Happiness)