2014: A Year of Great Prosperity!

A Year Of Great Prosperity


2014: A Year of Great Prosperity

That phrase is not just some “trite” words typed on a page my friends;

 THAT is a way of “Being”.

 Over and over again, I have mentioned to MANY of you, my clients and friends . . .

“Our Thoughts Control Our World !”

We are raised and trained to think & act as if we have no control over the “world.”

We choose what we act upon, how we “re-act”, or what acts upon us.

Whatever our prevailing thoughts; our actions will follow.

For most of you, this is a very foreign concept.

What ever life brings, we must deal with.

 That’s how it is!

– I Say – “Male Cow Manure” ! –

 Yet, are WE not the masters of :
our Day, our Week, our Month and certainly our Future?


So the question is – HOW do we control our thoughts?

(Some would say, “You would have better luck herding cats through a dog kennel
than controlling your thoughts!”)

 Our thoughts come so quickly and without our bidding; the best we can do is LEARN which ones to focus on.

It all boils down to what you want in your life, Now and in the Future!

Where our Attention IS our Future Grows.

That said; it had best be the POSITIVE things in life that we pay attention to and focus on!

 If you want your life to grow and PROSPER – then that is what you can do!

 Going to auction and gossiping with your buddies about how “bad’ business is or how “expensive” cars are,
guess what that is going to get you?

 Bad business and more expensive cars!

Think this is Bull Hockey? – try it and see.

NO GOSSIP for 30 days – then check your results.

You will find that a month of Focusing on the Positive WILL change your Prosperity.

Now let’s define “PROSPERITY”.

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and / or successful social status.

 [1] Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which can be

independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as Happiness and Health


Now that you understand that prosperity is not always about $$$,you can start to Re-Focus your Thoughts and only “entertain” those thoughts that are Positive and Focus on ALL the aspects of Prosperity!

This is no “cake walk” my friends; it takes concerted effort on your part, and constant reminders around you that
Focus on the Positive.

If that means that you gotta get some “posters”

Achievement Poster
Motivational Posters

 Then by all means; spend the bucks and do it!

It is time to take charge of YOUR life / business / future.

Focus on the positive and BE the change you want to see in your world!

Best Wishes!

Tom Hampton



People often say that motivation doesn’t last.

Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it



– Zig Ziglar

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