High Octane Blog

The Safeguard Rule

In 2021, the FTC amended the Safeguard Rule. You are expected to be compliant with the updated requirements by December of 2022. I have spent many hours chasing the rabbit down the hole to learn more about these amendments and what it means for my clients. So, what is it?

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires financial institutions – companies that offer consumers financial products or services like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data.

Read the requirements here 

First and foremost, you must designate an employee to manage or oversee your compliance project. This includes designing, implementing, maintaining, testing, and reporting on it during the entire life of the business. Despite my nature to keep things in-house, the task of developing and implementing the Security Program is quite complex and strict. In my utmost professional opinion, I recommend to everyone to outsource these duties to a professional I.T. company. It is well worth the investment into your business, your clients, and a good night’s sleep.  I would also suggest working with a company that can be paid to train your designated employee (start reading up on the rules) to maintain the job duties of Safeguard Compliance once your program is in place.  

Pricing to hire someone can be all over the place – from Too good to be true to The Bentley of Safeguard Compliance Professionals.  I suggest you look thoroughly into the company; Do your research, ask a lot of questions, and hire a professional with a clear vision of what you expect of their performance and duties.

Non-compliance with GLBA can carry severe financial and PERSONAL consequences for OWNERS and employees. The fines for GLBA infractions can be eye-watering to say the least – some reaching up to $100,000 per violation… (Read that one more time…PER VIOLATION.) Owners, officers, and/or directors can be fined up to $10,000; Imprisoned for 5 years; Or Both. OUCH.

Once you have completed all the tasks of implementing your Security Program, the Federal Trade Commission then requires you hire a professional cyber security company to test its strength, to be followed up with a report. (If you are able to find one company that can do all the required tasks for one fee, even better!) From there fix any holes found and move forward with your business.

The information I have discussed with you all today is just the beginning of a laundry list of compliance regulations dealers are held accountable for meeting.  At the end of the day, the secret to running a successful business is operating through due diligence. Sometimes staying on top of it can be like eating an elephant; The only way through is one bite at a time, creative recipes, and manageable goals to keep you on task.

As always, I am PROUD of all of you, in this, our community of dealers & friends. Let me just say, the financial storm that is gathering is going to carry us to heights we as BHPH Dealers have never seen!

The Safeguard Rule: Requirements

In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) amended the Safeguard Rule to meet the demands of changing technology. As of now, businesses that are considered non-banking Financial Institutions (That’s YOU BHPH!), have until December of 2022 to become compliant with the new revisions. Let’s break it down and make sure your business practices meet the new standards.


The Safeguard Rule is a set of standards put into place to protect the security of your customer’s confidential information.  Originally implemented in 2003, the rule requires companies to Develop, implement, and maintain an information security program with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect customer information. Even if you have managed to stay old-school and all your records are on paper, you are still subject to the requirements set forth by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).


 Maintain an Information Security Program with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards

  1. Designate a Qualified Individual to implement and supervise your company’s information security program – You need someone whose job duty is to manage and watch over your Information Security Program.
  2. Conduct a risk assessment – You need to first determine what information you have and where it is being stored, then assess any foreseeable risks and threats (think How can my customers’ information be stolen?) to that information. This assessment must be written and must include criteria for evaluating those risks. You will want to periodically reassess and update your written evaluation.
  3. Design and implement safeguards to control the risks identified through your risk assessment – This also comes with a list of steps to keep your company compliant and your customers safe.
    1. Implement and periodically review access controls – Periodically assess who has access to your customers’ information and if they still need to have it.
    2. Know what you have and where you have it – Keep an accurate record of your data inventory and the people who can access it.
    3. Encrypt customer information on your system and when it is in transit
    4. Assess your apps – Make sure to evaluate the security of any 3rd party apps you use
    5. Implement multi-factor authentication for anyone accessing customer information on your system – The rule requires at least two authentication factors from the following: A knowledge factor; A possession factor; or an Inherence Factor
    6. Dispose of customers’ information securely – Customer records should be disposed of no later than two years after your most recent customer finance transaction.
    7. Anticipate and evaluate changes to your information system or network – As your business grows, so will your need to upgrade your security measures. The Safeguard Rule requires financial institutions to include change management in their security information programs, meaning, there is a policy or procedure in place to make sure your program is always running at top notch security.
    8. Maintain a log of authorized users’ activity and keep an eye out for unauthorized access – There must be a procedure in place that monitors access of consumer information by an authorized user as well as a way to detect unauthorized access.
    9. Create an Incident Response Plan – In writing, this plan must cover (1) The Goals of your plan, (2) The internal process your company will activate in response to a data breach, (3) Clear roles, responsibilities, and levels of decision making authority, (4) A process to fix identified weaknesses, (5) Procedures for documenting and reporting security events and company responses, and (6) A post mortem of what happened and a revision of your incident response plan and information security program based on what you learned.

The above-mentioned information is the hard part of making sure your business is compliant with the Safeguard Rule Amendments. The rest of the rule requirements are more focused on regularly maintaining and monitoring the work you’ve done to provide your customers with the security they deserve. The rule specifically states that you must either have a continuous monitoring system in place OR conduct annual penetration testing, vulnerability assessments to include six-month system-wide scans, as well as test whenever there are changes to your operations. You will need to research and carefully select your internet service provider to make sure they are compliant and safeguarding consumer information as well as you are. Your information security program must stay current. You must train all your staff to be vigilant in security awareness and provide specialized training for staff that will be hands-on. And finally, you are REQUIRED to have an annual report of this information to your company’s governing body, such as a senior officer responsible for the information security program. The report must include an overall assessment of your company’s compliance to include risk assessment, risk management, control decisions, service provider arrangements, test results, security events and responses, and changes to the program.

All the information I have provided you with today is straight from the Federal Trade Commission website. Technology is constantly changing, and the way people steal information is as well. Remember folks, your deadline is December 09, 2022. Do you need a hand getting figuring out where to start? Contact us to get a consultation scheduled. We are happy to assist you with your growing business!

5 Mind-Healthy habits to practice daily

By Tom Hampton

I very often write my heart out with goals and techniques that will help your business grow. We talk a little about how the industry is doing, and I do my best to give you ways to jump ahead of the ever-changing curve. Now that summer is here, and the heat is on, I want to take a moment to hopefully inspire some of you to invest quality time into not only your business, but into yourself. It is time to grow abundantly into your greatest potential.  

Here are a few tips and tricks to start practicing daily that will improve your overall well-being: 

Take a walk  

Primarily, walking is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. It increases circulation and gets the blood pumping to your brain. Feeling foggy? Take a walk. Angry about a situation out of your control? Take a walk. Whatever the problem is, a 20-minute outdoor stroll in the fresh air can help you approach things with a clear mind.  

Deep breathing exercises  

When we are in distress and trying to be comforted by someone, we often hear them say “Take a deep breath!” It is no secret that focusing on our breathing supplies our body and brain with a rich source of oxygen that instantly starts to relieve stress and calm the nervous system. Take a few minutes throughout each day to stop, breathe, and reconnect with your body.  

Personal goals and accomplishments  

Goals are an amazing thing. You get to decide what they are, how you will approach the challenges of meeting them, and most importantly, they supply your body with dopamine, AKA…the happy hormone. I am always inspired when we can create and shape something from just a thought. So, folks, set some realistic goals, work diligently to get them accomplished, and let those happy hormones improve your overall wellbeing!  

Learning to appreciate yourself  

Something I see in a lot of clients I work with is that when things go wrong, they blame themselves. I hear people say some pretty harsh things to themselves; About their capabilities, their worth, their intelligence. So… STOP! You are great! Redirect those negative, self-abusive thoughts as soon as they start to a positive about yourself. Focus on your good qualities and remind yourself you are doing the best you can in a world that changes constantly. After some time, you will start to see the difference in your confidence, your mental health, and your relationships with others!  

Water, Water, Water! 

I know I do not need to remind you all to stay hydrated, especially in this Texas heat! You will feel the moment you are not getting enough. However, a friendly reminder… get plenty of water in your body. It helps you grow, heal, and flush out toxins (negative thoughts are toxins too) so your body can function properly. Do not wait till you need to get a glass of water in. Make it a habit to always stay above the threshold of what you need to drink! Your mind and body will thank you 😊 


I challenge you all to make these 5 mind-healthy habits a daily part of your routine. I guarantee you will see a difference in time. As always, Car Guys Agency and Tom Hampton Agency are here to help you meet your business goals. Let’s chat! Contact us to set up a consultation. We are here for you! 

Create a great day,  

Tom Hamton  

Change is AFOOT, dear Watson!


Reading Sherlock Holmes & Dr Watson as a child captivated my young mind for hours. Sherlock, with his unerring eye for detail, would announce “The game’s afoot Watson!” and dash out the door after another adventure with Watson hot on his tail! 

The bad guys were ALWAYS caught! 

Life & Business issues and problems are not always so keenly unraveled with a “bad-guy-caught” ending. We in this industry often face messy compromises, losses, or even lawsuits instead.   

Since you know there are certain elements that make up the issues and problems to discover, so you can implement a solution, let’s turn to the style of Sherlock & Watson of problem solving.  


“Let me run over the principal steps. Approached the issue, with an absolutely blank mind, which is an advantage. We had formed no theories. We were simply there to observe and to draw inferences from our observations.” – Sherlock Holmes 

Probably one of the most important steps, keep a clear mind, free of predisposed assumptions about what you believe the cause of the effect to be, before collecting your data. 


“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.  Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”  

– Sherlock Holmes 


Step back and look at the problem piece by piece. Collect factual data that correlates to the problem. 


“In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backwards… 

Let me see if I can make it clearer. Most people, if you describe a train of events to them, will tell you what the result would be. They can put those events together in their minds, and argue from them that something will come to pass. There are few people, however, who, if you told them a result, would be able to evolve from their own inner consciousness what the steps were which led up to that result. This power is what I mean when I talk of reasoning backwards, or analytically.”  

– Sherlock Holmes 


Problems can be viewed as a puzzle. There are many pieces that fit together to show you the whole picture. If you look at those pieces individually, you can clearly see what each piece represents. Holmes’ method of problem-solving starts with seeing the whole picture first, and working back to the first piece, from the effect down to the cause. 


As you collect your data, sort the pieces by type. Is it emotionally charged? Is it a limiting personal belief? Or is it a problem based on time (or lack there of)? Once your problem is broken down and sorted, begin putting solutions into place, saving the emotionally charged pieces for last – some may dissipate or disappear by completing the other two sets first.  

Many of your problem pieces will be out of your control because they will involve someone other than yourself. As we have all learned with age and experience – the ONLY thing we can control is how we FEEL and what we DO about any given situation, person, thing, etc. 

That being said, I will leave you with one of the coolest tools that I recently learned from ONE OF Y’ALL – 

Gratitude Snacks: 

Keep a dish (or several) nearby and fill it with pieces of paper you have written something you are grateful for on. Don’t forget, you gotta refill the snacks you do not want them going stale! 

How to use: When you are feeling irritated, overwhelmed, or angry… take out a gratitude snack (maybe 2-3) to read and pull you back into emotion control.  

Scientific fact is that you cannot be angry & grateful at the same time!!! 


I say let us all take Gratitude Snacks to the next level! Make personalized company snack templates to hand out to your clients. They can fill out a few things they are grateful for and store them in their wallet or purse for when they need a snack. Pro tip, let them know how grateful for them you are on the cards.  

Give those out to all your customers, friends, and family and just WATCH the magic that happens! I believe Gratitude to be one tool we can all use, teach, and certainly master! 


Sherlock: Change is afoot dear Watson… 


Create a merry month of May my friends, 


Value, value! Who’s got the value?

What makes YOU and your dealership stand out? 

If price was your first thought, then I ask you to consider the possibility that there are issues in your foundation. Price is like an opinion; Everyone has one. If low prices are what set you apart, then you have already seen your foundation crumble a bit through the last year as wholesale prices have skyrocketed.  

It isn’t only price, however. If service or quality was your first thought, you too have spotted some cracks forming as people’s standards have exponentially increased over a very short time span; All while we struggle with fakes, bad titles, and smaller vehicle pools to pull from! (And if you went with the Price/Quality/Service triad, your work was certainly cut out for you to keep up in the current marketplace.)  

I am here to tell you cracks will happen. It is the predictable part of living in an unpredictable world. If your values stack up high enough, and your potential customer feels heard and that they can rely on your integrity, (before & after the sale), then you will have earned a loyal client.  

Most dealers I have worked with run into difficulties. Why? Because they build into what they value, not what their clients value. Learn how to implement what your client values into your business culture and you will win big! Outstanding performance requires pushing, evolving, improving, and innovating!  


So, how do you know what your client values? The answer – Very simply, ask. 


You can begin by asking new customers how you can better serve them as soon as the sales process begins. Finish it all off by finding out what made them choose to purchase from you (or not). There can be much to learn by utilizing follow-up resources, such as phone calls and emails, throughout the entire experience. Another easy way to learn what your customer values is to create a Facebook poll to share with your community. The adventure of growing can lead to major discoveries IF you are upfront and sincere with people as to why you want to know. To better serve your community, you must offer more than just your assistance with purchasing a vehicle at a good price.   

I am excited to challenge you dear friends with a new goal! Create more value in you, your team, your business; Anything you want to nurture, improve, and add value to. Let me remind you, value too, grows exponentially. I promise, soon, with hard work and commitment, your community will take notice of the changes. 

Personally, I absolutely love finding ways to add value to who I am and what I do. The better and more experienced I am, the more I get to contribute and pay it forward to you all. So thank you all, for letting me be there for you. Your trust is the rock-solid core of my values.  

Let’s chat! I personally guarantee a unique perspective to guiding and mentoring the growth and stability of your dealership! This process is accomplished from years of experience assisting people to shift from their personal limiting beliefs into a mindset open to limitless possibilities and the resource opportunities to support your journey. Call the office at 281-424-9315 to schedule your consultation. 



Tom Hampton  

Fall in love with your clients!

One thing I want to remind all you hard-working independent dealers out there is – you ARE the Neighborhood Transportation Bank and have been for over 100 years now. 


It does not matter if you are cash-n-carry; outside finance only, BHPH, or the hybrid blend most dealerships are becoming; The community you build, nurture, and ENGAGE can facilitate 10× future growth even in the roughest of times.  


Every day some advertisers say they have the secret to unlocking the hidden potential in all your data. What data is being evaluated? Does data = your customers’ file? No personality, no personal connection, just a series of texts and emails?  


In all my years of working with highly motivated, passionate, goal-driven, often unorthodox, and very profitable dealerships; I have never witnessed true success grow from a “Quick fix to make money fast!!” program. We are all familiar with them.  


Unfortunately, many customers will make their purchase and never return – ending up just a name in an old folder.  The time-proven method of bringing customers back to you is to call them Since the start of my career, this is still the tool I use most.  Can you come across someone who was unhappy? Yes. Will you accept the challenge to go above and beyond to make it right for them? I sincerely hope so. Take the grumbles, then work your magic 


People want to feel valued in earnest. So… HOW do we show our customers that we value them? Firstly, your website and social media are other great places for customers to reach out to you and keep your customers engaged with your business. When you are Out of Sight, you are also Out of Mind. I see tons of dealerships posting pictures of customers and their new (preowned) vehicles on social media! (oh and...”Don’t forget to follow us so you can view and share it with your friends!”) This is an excellent way to tell your customers you appreciate them and their business.  


Whenever I reach out to my clients, I invest the time and my full attention into finding out more about how they are doing. Genuine interest sparks a genuine connection, and that my friends, is the key to making your customers feel valued. When I was in my car sales days, I would start by reaching out and asking customers during these tough economic times to inquire if they or anyone they knew had any spare vehicles they wanted to sell. In so many cases, I was able to help a customer in a rough spot and I was the salesperson they thought of when they or their family and friends became ready to purchase a vehicle. I would then close the call by offering a pre-paid dozen donuts via email coupon from a local donut shop in exchange for referring an interested buyer.   (Community Chest Bonus! Helping another self-owned business grow in the process). This is your opportunity to build, connect, nurture, and grow within your community. 


I have been in this business for a long time; I can guarantee a unique perspective guiding and mentoring the growth and stability of your dealership. Reach out to us and let’s get your *first consultation scheduled! I offer highly personalized solutions that can position your dealership towards new achievable outcomes.  


Create a GREAT day!
Tom Hampton


*The number of consultations recommended for your specific situation varies by person.

Your BRIGHT 2022 Future Awaits!

Most resolutions are broken minutes after they are made!  So, skip making a resolution that will last for a month, and let’s pick chaos (the controlled kind) for 2022! 
Controlled chaos can be planned, to a degree, by directing your dealership into new practices or territory….and staying there for a while. Starting a new way of doing things, only to pull the plug after 90 days, can give the dealership whiplash. Unless of course, the changed results prove they just don’t serve your bottom line and are starting to show signs of being damaging. Sometimes, it can take a bit of time for the momentum of the program to move you in a new direction. 

Take some time to assess all the resources available to you; Materials, labor, community, finances, etc., and determine where you want the controlled chaos to dwell for a while! Think about it. Which areas do you feel can grow and expand? Do you have any areas where you might be overdoing it? Where can controlled chaos best serve your business? If you want to upgrade from 20 notes a month, to 35… what changes need to occur? A few examples would be new goals for the sales teams, changes and improvements to advertising, and adding new programs for your customers like warranties and CPIs. 

Implementing the above-mentioned new programs, (Warranty, CPI, Service Contracts, etc.)  can be just the boost your business needs to thrive. However, it will require participation from everyone. Give the program an earnest run of at least 180 days with bi-weekly meetings with the team to keep everyone on the same page. During those brief meetings discuss progress, problems, suggestions, and different possible solutions, ultimately, keeping everyone engaged and excited. This is 100% on the shoulders of the owner(s) to get these meetings delegated and done so that real GROWTH can occur within the dealership.  

We suggest introducing controlled chaos to one department at a time, based on the needs and resources of the assessment you did. It could take months of fine-tuning before you hit the sweet spot and witness growth from your efforts. It is also important to pay close attention to the needs of your other departments, as changes in one will affect your entire business. The most successful business owners have a plan with short- and long-term goals in place to keep them prepared for the next step (as well as the unexpected chaos life deals us all). Whatever your goal, the results of controlled chaos are worth the work. You may spend days filled with frustration, agitation, and feeling like you are reaching impossible situations to resolve. Such is the nature of the beast. If you keep pushing, (again, do not push your business over the edge. The goal is to be uncomfortable and inspire change), those days traditionally work out to be replaced with days that are rewarding, fun, and filled with excitement and joy. Breathe. You are doing the best you can.  

In short- without controlled chaos and working outside our comfort zones in businesses, there would absolutely be no successes, no change, no learning, and very little growth.  Look at how much we all changed and grew from the chaos of 2020; Opportunities can come wrapped up in the strangest packages at times!    

New processes, new programs, new procedures; Which is it to be? Tom Hampton Agency is here to help you figure it out. Schedule your consultation today and kickstart your 2022!   



Tom Hampton   

Car Lots in 2022

By Tom Hampton

As we enter the last quarter of 2021, it is time to start thinking about what you want to work for in 2022. If you could wave a wand and magically optimize your business to its fullest potential, what would that look like? What sagely changes would you implement immediately?

2022 is only a few months away. Time to set your goal planning into overdrive and create your New for ‘22 Dealership! We are amidst many challenges and changes coming to our industry. Since we can’t actually wave a wand and do magic, let’s look at ways you can optimize your businesses performance by creating a budget for small adjustments and improvements that grow big changes!

Web Presence

New for 22 is slanted towards your website because that is your front line – Usually the first as an interface of engagement with a potential customer!  First ask yourself, your team, your friends, and your customers – What can I do to improve my company’s website? Is your site fully capable, easy to follow, and transparent? Is it safe? Is it is optimized for mobile? Is it engaging and does it build curiosity from page one? If any of the answers to these questions are no, grow your budget so you are able to invest to hire a professional to optimize and protect your website. You want your customers to have the best experience possible. Side note, make sure that YOU own your company’s URL. If you use one of the many companies out there that will assist and “get it for you,” then they would be the owners of the domain, not you. We recommend purchasing your own from a source like GoDaddy.

Also, for the low cost of $299 a month (this is on sale now for only $150/mo for the ultimate package) you can have your web presence automated – including website, inventory, classified postings, social media automation, local dominance, CRM, instant conversation, AND *Digital Ads. (*3rd Party Fees Apply)

Optimization, complete. Get my Web Presence Optimized Now!

Physical Presence


Now that you are reaching customers from all corners of the web, what can you do to improve the appearance and flow at the heart of your business? Begin to take stock of all the changes you can make that will be any kind of improvement to your physical location. It can be as simple as replacing chairs to more comfortable ones – to the more complicated, total remodel. Whatever your goal, adding a small amount to your budget for changes can drastically improve the quality of your business.

Not quite and optimization, but… the most critical part of your physical presence, displaying your current State Licenses, City Permits, and other vital documentation. Should you decide you want to move, locating outside your current county limits, means reapplying for them all. Stay up to date (Subscribe to our emails, we send monthly news updates and reminders!) with the TXDMV and OCCC. (Have you heard? New to TXDMV – Continuing education for licensing, 50K Bonds, and a new Sign Rule).

Surviving these tough financial times means creating a valuable experience for your clients and generating a strong word-of-mouth flow. Your role goes way past selling them a car; You are servicing your community. Look at everything you have accomplished, just this year! Let’s keep driving forward, together!



Trust = Transparency

Trust, or lack thereof, has been the largest stumbling block our industry has ever faced! Every bit of that mistrust was driven by the almighty dollar and the belief that WE, the dealer, knows better what is best to meet the needs of our client and our business. Those days died in 1995, yet for some reason, the car industry was never fully able to wipe the stain from our reputation. My desire to see our industry prosper at levels we never could have dreamed of is what drives me to shout these convictions from every rooftop!


Transparency is the most vital part or regaining trust from the community. Listed on your website, should be your entire purchasing process – beginning with financial qualifications and an application. Like I mentioned last month, I believe the future of Used Car Purchases is going to be recreated in the Home Buying image; Customers will be preapproved and have a verified purchasing amount prior to beginning the buying processes. It makes so much sense in our industry. How many times have you wasted hours going from one car to another with a customer only to find out their credit is shot, and their down payment doesn’t exist? A preapproved amount ensures that both you and your customers don’t waste each other’s time. We deserve transparency from our customers as well.


Make sure your website includes resources your prospective customer can use to make an informed decision about whether they want to put in an application or not. This should include information for all customer types, including Credit Challenged, New Credit, Average to Good Credit, and Great Credit. Keep a printable checklist of all the required documentation necessary and require it be uploaded to the secure application before it can be submitted.  

Once you have an approved amount, and an appointment time to meet with your customer (who is also bringing hard copies of those required documents), you can open a dialog to the customers needs and wants in their new vehicle purchase, where the magic starts! I might also add, that nowadays, some customers are much more comfortable communicating via text or email; Both of which you will want to make sure stay totally compliant with TCPA guidelines. (We’ve got a solution for that too!)




Now you can coach your customer to leverage their buying power into the best vehicle purchase they have ever made, without the customer feeling like there is a curveball about to hit.  All the transparency has built trust, layer upon layer, for both you and your customer. I leave you with a final question; Who of you, over the next year, will transition into a new way of doing business? The mortgage process in the BHPH industry makes sense. It saves us time, effort, and energy; All which we can never recover.


The clock never stops, neither does change. It is time to step up our game and make everyday operations clearer than they’ve ever been!  




Qualified has a New Meaning.

By Tom Hampton

Welcome to September! Please, let me borrow your attention for a moment for a quick side-story.


I have a couple of friends looking for a new home in Oklahoma. They flew up there and spent the day driving around to check out some property choices. NOT ONE single listing agent would let them NEAR the property until they could prove bank financing was a done deal! 


Now, can you imagine if the car business was run like that? A pending customer walks onto your lot, you welcome them to your dealership, then firmly announce, “Sir/Madam, before we can show you any vehicle here, you must provide proof of your financial ability to purchase.”


NOT ONE DEALER I know would do that, yet it is the next logical progression of our business. When this process first began, the real estate world went bonkers; People were angry! What happened next? Their closing ratios exploded because they were now only working with customers possessing the true ABILITY to buy. 


The big company dealerships are already on this track, revving up the engine, and starting to journey to using the same process as real estate companies. They encourage their clients to first learn what the true buying power available to them is. Then, with the customer armed with his/her financial abilities clearly listed before them; They begin to feel more a part of, and somewhat in control of, the buying process. You will know exactly how and where to assist your customers to get the most out of what that their financial ability allows.


I believe it will eventually all go this way, for all financing-type companies. So, why not start transitioning now? The best way I know how to begin is to make sure your website is transparent enough to explain the entire process of purchasing a vehicle and that financing is the most important key to purchasing their new car from you. This process will require thought, skill, new habits, and lots of patience. Educating your customer will be a crucial part of the process.


I recommend letting anyone have a look around (and drool over the units they want), however, we strongly suggest you not allow test drives until they know their financial capabilities. Doing this will shave hours off the process. Make sure to include a list of documents they need (both on your website and at your dealership) with the ability to download or fill them out on your website aside from the purchase process.


Okay, that is all for our September food for thought and tracks for success! Big changes are coming our way! As always, we are here for ALL your BHPH needs! We can assist with breaking them down into manageable, success-proven stages.  Schedule your consultation today to get started working towards a healthier business model designed to make your business thrive!



Tom Hampton

The customer that cannot be pleased.

By Tom Hampton

Every business owner has had customers that have issues that sometimes make doing business much more complicated. There is, however, a particular type of customer that cannot and will not be reasoned with or compromise their demands. For those of you experienced enough to have been around the mountain a few times during your career, have found these types of challenging clients get resolved by two general types of outcomes:

1. (Most Frequent Outcome) An unpleasant type of compromise is negotiated between both parties for a final resolution.

2. (Not So Frequent Outcome) The situation becomes unpleasantly distasteful and detrimental to both parties, with no resolutions whatsoever, and the loss of a customer (sometimes several by word of mouth, negative reviews & ratings, etc).


Losing an especially upset customer can be infuriating and frustrating (to say the least). Our pride has taken a hit, and our insecurities are rattled. So, what do you do when no resolutions can be met by either party?


First, if you have not already done so, examine the instance very closely and ask yourself, Did I do my best in the situation? What lessons can I take away from the situation to make me and my business better. 


Personally, when I lose a customer in events such as this, even after 40 years in the business, part of me still mourns. The only way I know how to describe it; It is humbling. I not only feel as though I have let my customer down, but I also feel I have let my team down to lose a customer without resolution. We all strive to serve our customers to the best of our abilities.


Secondly, remind yourself and your team that in any business, you can have the BEST customer service on the planet, yet the situation will still inevitability occur at some point.  As the owner, I am usually the one having that final conversation with the customer after my team has exhausted all other avenues. Unfortunately, in a lot of dealerships, the collections agent/manager is the one having these front-line battles. It is imperative you trust the people handling the confrontation before it escalates to you. These team members are much in need of your support, guidance, and sometimes, nurturing. Their frustration levels can bleed over into other interactions with detrimental results (they often do not even realize is happening) when becoming overwhelmed and feeling unsupported.


A weekly 20-minute one-on-one meeting with these team members just may help them vent, learn, and grow while meeting these challenges and company expectations. When things get heated, or an appropriate time presents itself, a great start is to have them unplug; Get up, walk around, take a breath, or maybe even a lunch break. The important part is they have a few minutes to clear their head and step away from the confrontation. I also suggest having them provide you with an emotion-free (practice makes perfect), brief, and factual statement about the incident.


Finally, before you find yourself neck-deep in a domino effect of fires to put out, provide your team with the training (such as courses, experienced management provided, or practice sessions), support, and guidance to be as successful as possible through these types of situations. Every day, as the owner, it would be best for you to be informed of any customer confrontations; What happened, what was attempted to resolve the situation, what the customer was demanding, and whether those demands can be met or not. These statements can become invaluable training tools.


You will always come across demanding customers. It is the price of admittance into the used car business. How we prepare ourselves and our team for these storms is what makes our businesses flourish!


As always, Car Guys Agency is here for all your Buy Here Pay Here needs! Contact us anytime to assist with solutions for your business! We have partners we have searched high and low for to provide our dealers with the very best available!



Tom Hampton 

Olympian or Spectator?

Truth time my friends. This may be one of the most challenging pieces I have ever written. In November of 2019, my health took a turn, and painfully begin to control my every effort for these last 22 months.   


Short personal history: At 8 years old I was told I would never walk; With great perseverance and determination, the brace, wheelchair, and crutches were gone by 10 years old! I took 6 years of speech therapy as a child because I stuttered severely; I have since then, spoken freely and effortlessly. I have lived with chronic nerve pain ALL my life and put on mass doses of pain killers as a young adult; I have not taken a prescribed pain pill with any kind of regularity for over 30 years. For the past 14 years, 70 + hour work weeks were the norm and I traveled at a minimum of one week a month. For 7 of those years, I successfully managed my family’s business in conjunction with my own, after my dad passed.  


I tell you these pieces of my personal history to show you, my friends, that you are not alone. We are all overcoming personal and business hurdles of all varieties. Please, take care of your health. Drink plenty of water. Stay positive. And embrace challenges head-on with strength and determination! Through it all, with much support from my amazing team, I have been able to keep pursuing my goals to grow my business helping to support dealers in their own growth.  


Things are changing, both here at Car Guys Agency and with me personally. Most of you are used to having me pop by your lot, check up on you, and dish out some awesome advice while I am there! (Toot, Toot!! 😉 


Those days my friends can sadly be no more. As much as I dislike it, my decreasing mobility has become the reality of my days. So, in the future, I will be reaching out to you via telephone, email, and text. By the way, as always, my team and I are here in any way we can help support our fellow dealers.  


I know how hard you are pushing yourselves, especially in this unstable market, just to keep afloat. We are not out of the woods yet. Markets are predicting there are another 6 to 8 more months of retail-priced units rolling across the auction blocks nationwide. It is unnerving to have a 60-car lot with only 14 units on it. I am also betting we will soon see Floor Plan companies start dropping dealers and smaller dealerships with limited financial resources who just cannot buy. Sooner, rather than later, the public will start pushing back at the higher retail prices and sales may just keep tanking.  


The nationwide market is constantly readjusting itself. The dealerships that survive and thrive over the next wave of challenges, yet again- must reinvent themselves and how they do business.  A growing dealership will be operating with new resource partners, rely even more on their communities, and embrace & adapt to changing paradigms.   


The large dealerships have 20+ groups of high-paid professionals that use their collective knowledge to market the company. So, with my own advice in mind, we too are adapting and redesigning how we grow as a companyTo our loyal readers and longtime customers, we want to personally extend a VIP Invitation to be a part of our newest upcoming project! In June/July of 2021, Tom Hampton Agency will be forming a new group focused on bringing together like-minded dealers motivated to be a part of creating Strategic Growth Planfor the benefit of all.  If you are interested in joining and growing with usemail us here! 


Change is uncomfortable and often painful. I remind you; Olympians never won a medal because it was easy. They got it because they pushed, shaped, and molded their potential until the dream met reality. You have got to MOVE and DO to accomplish your goals. Repetition WILL create change in you, your salespeople, and your entire organization.   


To best survive this next incoming wave of industry evolution, we must grow; Grow new resources, new alliances, and more courage to jump in and start now. Waiting to see how things may go, could leave you left behind to play catch up. With great new products added to their lineup, Tom Hampton Agency is a great place to start finding those new and inventive (additional income bringing) resources! 


Here is to YOUR bright and successful future! Let us face this evolving world together to do and create what others say is impossible!   



Tom Hampton 
[email protected]  

Turning Back

By Tom Hampton

There are times that one must go past a problem to get at a solution. Recently, I had to get back into a wheelchair to assist with mobility and surgery recovery. Although I am no stranger to them, having spent lots of time in wheelchairs and on crutches during my childhood, I had forgotten the issues of tight quarters maneuvering.

As the family cook, the challenges have been unique both with height issues and retrieving ingredients; The biggest challenge being the fridge. To access it, I must roll past it a bit, then turn around 180 degrees so that I am at the right angle to retrieve what I need.

Challenges in our business really are not much different. There are many times in our day we do just that, roll past a problem, only to turn around and find the solution readily available! To follow-the-logic of rolling past challenges & problems and turning back for solutions; we must see that our emotions are why we get stuck on the wrong side of any given challenge. When we learn to get past the emotional charge surrounding the challenge, then we can move forward in finding available, possibly unseen solutions.

I feel an example is in order:

Monday morning at the office checking voicemails and an upset client has left 6 messages over the weekend – each one getting a bit more heated. The phone begins ringing and caller I.D. shows – guess who? The upset client calling again, loaded for bear and aiming at whoever picks up.

Some owners would let the call go to voice mail again, thus angering an upset client even more. Instead, we know the issue is not personal. Be like water off a duck’s back, and patiently listen to your client and their concerns to find a solution.

I suggest having a pencil and paper to mark relevant points and only address the clients concern(s) once their frustrations have been fully vented. Once past the initial challenge, now it is time to turn back to the challenge and seek solutions. Those notes you took are the key!

First and foremost, people want to feel as if they have been heard, especially after an uncomfortable situation has occurred and they feel mistreated or cheated. Many times, due to charged emotions on both sides, it can be far too easy to misinterpret the facts of the situation. Clarity of your clients concerns and challenges, brings opportunities. Once your client has expressed their concerns, restate what the perceived problem is to verify with the client that YES; You are listening! The restatement of the challenge adds clarity and shows your client their concerns are important. This is not your first time as a business owner solving difficulties with clients, you are an EXPERT at it!

With our emotions out of the way and the client being heard, solutions will quickly follow and is generally a compromise between client and owner. Sometimes there is nothing we can do for our clients concerns due to outside circumstances; however, most challenges do rest within our abilities to solve equitably. It is taking the effort to go past the challenge and turn around – aka – clarity without emotion – to see or access the solutions!

Practice makes perfect my friends…



To buy or not to buy…

April showers bring may flowers, but this year’s February freezes brought us auction squeezes! We are seeing prices are far above normal tax-time hikes, with no signs of tapering off. Playing the usual Price Game is the surest way to the poor house in our current market!


How are the new car dealerships holding on to high mileage trades and still getting their money for those units? Trust, transparency, and a supply-and-demand mentality! With less inventory on hand, we know that that means every unit we already have needs to get adjusted for retail. Time to re-appraise all your current inventory and start looking at replacement cost / availability.

Trust and Transparency are a symbiotic relationship. The more transparent you become in all your processes and procedures; the more trust is built along the way. Make sure your website is easy to navigate and all your policies and procedures are outlined in detail. Finance options/information should be easy to understand and access and make darn sure it is all secure!

There has been so much success in providing customers with an online credit application. Financing and an approved loan amount first, vehicle second, then delivery in minutes (not hours!) Knowledge of one’s financial abilities in any type of purchase is empowering and removes a lot of fear from the entire process! For us, it removes having to show them 20 different cars, only to find out 3 hours later, they can’t even afford the porters ’98 hooptie!

Find your technique to symbiotically build Trust and Transparency in today’s marketplace and on your website. Remember my friends. Without us, the independent used car dealer – most Americans would be walking! The better you serve your prospects, the greater your client base becomes.



Getting through the slow season: Evaluating our basic operations.

This is a shiny new year; It will be what we make of it! Poor sales are rooted in poor foundational business practices. To ensure that our dealerships have constant sales, 102030units every month… then these 3 paragons of business must be done to perfection. Shall we roll up our sleeves and go to work? 


The foundation of any business…Communication.  
Communication, on all levels, must be concise, honest, diligent, and thoughtful in their nature. Give the client what they asked for, after you have listened thoroughly to determine you understand what they need. Provide your customers with plenty of pictures, finance requirements, options for test drive arrangements, and any other information frequently requested by customers. It is vital to get back with them in a timely manner. Try setting calendar reminders for yourself along the way or finding a good phone app by searching “Appointment Reminders.” 


Transparency is not just an industry buzz word. It is the future and YOUR present. 
As most business struggle to implement transparency in their operations, for us as dealers, it is very simple. We tell folks what needs to happen, what is going to happenand hopefully entice their input during the process. Many dealerships are still suffering because they are not transparent. Ask yourself these questions when measuring your company’s transparency: 


Is there plenty of access to information?  

Is your website easy to navigate and intuitive?  

Are your company’s core values represented clearly?  

Is your company consistent across all platforms?  

Do you actively engage with customers & employees to encourage  feedback? 


The bottom line, transparency makes the buying process easier, less frightening, and much faster! 


TRUST, the biggie! 
Just how, my friends, do we convey trust? To start, community is a very crucial key! What your clients say about you, your inventory, your policies/practices, and how you respond when things go sideways, is where the magic happens (or doesn’t). No business is perfect. We all get the occasional black eye on social media or reviews from an unhappy customer. How we deal with those mistakes, (even when they are not our fault) is being closely watched by all those looking to do business with us! Your customer service practices are the quickest way to ensure trust and loyalty in this business (Or any for that matter!).  


Communication, Transparency, and Trust: Done well, equals opportunitiesMore opportunities, naturally more growth! As alwayswe are here and can assist you in the future growth of your business. Drop us an email, shoot us a text, or just pick up the phone and call to set up a consultation! 



Tom Hampton 


Join our Dealer Group on Facebook or send us a friend request! https://www.facebook.com/groups/950701648698454 
We regularly post industry updates & reminders, growth opportunities, and promotions! For a complete list of our services, please visit us at www.TomHamptonAgency.com  

Is your business text compliant?

Established in Europe, the phrase “Penny wise and pound foolish” means a person who is stingy with small expenditures and extravagant with large ones, most often, wastefully. I see a lot of owners scrutinizing over business processes and expenses, and act accordingly to ensure those savings grow. Then when things get toughthose savings get spent on something drastic to try and draw in businesssuch as an enormous electric sign (and an enormous electricity bill). 

The savings garnered would have been better allocated on something that both the owner and the clients can utilize daily. Something that will help in the overall growth of the company.  

With growth in mind, texting has become the standard for most businesses in 2020How has your company adapted to all the industries major changes this year? Unfortunately for many, compliance to the law and control over information, has not been a top priority. This leads to TCPA violations that can result in penalties of up to $1500 per violation, with no cap on statutory damages.  

Are you staying compliant? Check out the top 5 kinds of text messages getting companies in big trouble!  


Unsolicited Texts  

Unsolicited text messages can get you in big trouble! You must have and maintain records of prior written and explicit consent to send your customers text message marketing campaigns. This also applies to customers on your list you may have collected years ago, before these permissions were required.  


Unknown Identity  

According to TCPA, your text messages must include the identity of the entity sending the text. Regardless of how your customer signed up to receive texts, your very first text must be a carrier compliance message confirming opt-in. It needs to include:  

Your Identity, Message Frequency, How to opt-out, and the fact that message and data rates may apply.

Inappropriate Hours and Too Frequent Texts 

Marketing text messages are TCPA allowed between 8 am and 9 pm, local time of the receiver. However, not all customers prefer the extremes of either end. Get to know your customers and try to text accordingly.   

As mentioned earlier, the frequency of promotional texts they can expect to receive should be clearly expressed in your confirmation opt-in text. Sending your customer too many can cost your business.  


Undisclosed Information 

First and foremost, you need an up-to-date privacy policy in place. It needs to include program detailscustomer usage functionality (like how to opt-out) and is accessible from the initial call-to-action (The program the customer signed up to receive marketing campaigns from) confirmation text. When you are asking your customer to sign up, be explicitly clear about what kind of texts you will be sending them. There should be easy access to your terms and conditions and customer care contact information. 


Disrespectful Phonetics  

This one is obvious, but worth mentioning. Speak to all your customers thoughtfully and carefully. Avoid using slang, overusing emojis, and make sure to double check your speech-to-text and spelling before sending a message.  


The average text is read within 90 SECONDS of being sent. Let your business outshine any billboard advertising with personalized (and compliant) marketing contentThe knowledge and advantages that compliance is completely taken care of also frees your time to nurture areas of potential commerce. Put your business in overdrive and get on the road to success today!

Click here to get started now!


Create a Great Day 
Tom Hampton 

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TCPA Violations can cost you BIG!

By Tom Hampton

TRUE fact, 95% of texts are read in 90 seconds or less after you send it. Texting is unquestionably an integral tool to engage consumers in 2020, HOWEVER, it is not without extensive legal and regulatory risks.

In order to survive and thrive, businesses must be mindful and play by the rules set forth by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, known as the TCPA founded in 1991. Car dealerships directly put their business at legal and financial risk each time they text, be it to correspond with a lead, with a customer, for collections, or sending inventory pics…the list goes on! TCPA penalties START at $500 and can go up to $1500 per text sent.


A customer submits a complaint that 5 texts were sent to without their permission. At a minimum, fees will start at $2,500, likely much more, as well as setting the way to a full investigation looking for compliance violations, often adding more fines.

How can the average dealer keep track of all the texts sent by the entire team, on top of the 5,000 other things they are currently doing? The solution is very simple and so cost effective it is scary! For less than one average auction fee and no long-term contracts, you are covered-7-ways-to-Sunday, 24/7/365.

Just like having a DMS to keep all your paperwork records and compliance, this is also a tool to keep your texting compliant! Did I mention that with this service, you see it all! No more guessing what your employees are texting to prospects, customers, or account holders! No more getting blind-sided by customers who say…’your salesman told me if I did this…. then y’all would do that for me!’

SOLUTIONS are what we do at Car Guys Agency. Effective, affordable solutions for your dealership. Give me a call or visit www.carguysagency.com

5 Effective Ways to Get More out of Your Website

Blue Grey Photo Fitness Blog Graphic

By Tom Hampton             

November is upon us my friends! And shortly, so will be the end of 2020. Can anyone honestly say they will be sorry to see the year go? Actually, I can. 2020 has been the BEST year we have seen in the car business for almost 100 years! The playing field got leveled. Not only did the game change, but so did the rules we used to play by!  

Customers have raised the bar on us at least 10 times in just 7 short months. Test drives became delivered, financing went remote, texting and emails going ballistic overnight. The retailers of the world had to re-invent almost every process in their business to survive and start to grow again as the term in-person became obsolete.  

Which brings us to the topic at hand: Your website. Let’s explore 5 foundational tools your website should offer consumers to be truly impressive!  

1. Ease of navigation 

You do not have to spend a lot of money to have a website that navigates easily. Think about why customers are on your site. What are they looking to learn? They want to see specific vehicles and prices, finance options, reviews, and what steps they need to start the process. Can your customer easily contact you with questions? Each area should be easily identified and navigated to easily! This goes double for your mobile platform, especially as research shows nearly 60% of shoppers are on their devices.  

2. Clear/concise information 

It is really important that your customer can get all the facts from the information you present on your website. Are your photos accurate, good quality, and loading quickly? Is there a condition report posted with each vehicle? Eighty percent of consumers research a product online before purchasing. Providing your customers with both quantity and quality sources of information to make an informed purchase will give your website the advantage over your competitors. It can also really helpful to add a chat box to your website for customer who have questions and want immediate answers from available staff.  

3. Your values 

The values you and your team bring to the used car industry support the vision of your company.  Why should a stranger buy from you? What makes your company stand out? Let your customers know who you and your team are by including short bios, corporate goals and credos, and a commitment to providing an honest, satisfactory experience. Make sure there is a page for feedback from customers. This not only lets your customer feel heard, but also helps you improve the buying experience for future customers.  

4. Easy/Secure access to financing with payment calculator 

The major point to be made here is your customer must become a part of the process and not the subject. Your financing process should be clear, easy to follow, and the steps and required documentation listed. If you aren’t doing your own financing, let your customer know who you do use, with information about their process.   

Consumers nowadays want information about pricing and payments before they take the next step of speaking with a salesman. If you are using WordPress, search for a simple payment calculator plugin to add to your site, so customers can get an idea of what they will be paying.  

5. Transparency  

Transparency boils down to one underlying point…trust. In 2018, The Transparency Imperative Report found that 75% of consumers are more likely to switch to a brand that provided more in-depth product information. The same truth applies today, both to the vehicles you sell and the experience you and your team deliver.  

To conclude, invest the time for a thorough website evaluation. Remember that what you perceive as a value, may not impress your patrons. It is good practice to ask other team members and friends to also evaluate your site periodically and provide feedback of their thoughts and experience. If you are interested in taking your website to the next level, contact us for more information on Auto-Pilot Advertising!  

Create-A-Great-Future…only you can! 

Tom Hampton 

Vision Glasses

This is it folks, the time to say goodbye to 2022 and Hello to 2023. I am sure you have heard it ALL before, this is a season of reflection & review – both in personal and business arenas. As you review  

How did you stack up?  

Did you make goal/target?  

Do you like what you were able to accomplish? –As sometimes, you actually made it to a goal you did not know you wanted or needed.  

It can be extremely easy to get lost in what others think your goals should have been. Looking at all the big and small achievements made over 2022 through the lens of what others believe is detrimental. We no longer see anything accomplished as a win, big or small.  
No more measurements of OURSELVES against anyone! “THEY” do it so much better, “THEY” make more profits with less fuss! They, They, They…or He, or She, or Them – It is all the SAME. Placing “Them” above YOU (while likely administering self-abasing punishment for not being like them and getting their same results) grinds your self-confidence.  

My suggestion is to LEARN from people, model their successes wherever you find them! Take all you learn and make it YOURS, do things that FIT you and benefit your strengths and natural abilities.  

Important point to follow my friends: 

This success you want to emulate and become, must be your own. Let me give you an example. If I struggled with my sight, I would go to a doctor and receive a prescription for glasses. When I put them on, my vision improves. If you put them on, your vision will worsen. You would probably get a headache, trip over your own feet, and in general – lose clear sight of everything around you. Your “Vision Glasses” must be your own so you can clearly see the details of your future success. 

Ask yourself: Is your focus and your vision short sighted? Long sighted?  

Is your focus forwards? Backwards? 

Is your vision multi-tiered? –Carrying with it varying degrees of details at different levels and different distances of successes along the way to your big goal? 

How clear are your details for your visions & subsequent goals? 

The person in the mirror is the only true competitor you will ever have… and the only person you ought to want to be better than in 3 months, a year, 5 years, etc. from this very moment. In a decad, you will be astonished by all you’ve done and where you’ve gone. 

A big secret to success… is small daily shifts. However, the not-so-famous secret… Nearly every successful person on this planet has used a To-Do List in one form or fashion on the path to their success. In order to embrace a To-Do list, I’ve learned the trick of creating a To-Don’t list as well. The To-Don’t list will assist you in pulling FREE of the distraction(s). 


In one of her workshops for women leaders, Sally Helgensen defines being intentional as “Knowing what to embrace and what to let go of as you move to a higher level.”  

The embrace is the to-do list. The let go of is the to-don’t list.  

Your To-Don’t list could include things you want to stop doing and tasks you want to drop or hand off. Balancing them requires you to give conscious attention to how you manage responsibilities, relationships, and behaviors so you can decide what really matters and what does not. By identifying activities that eat up your time, keep you trapped, or offer a minimal reward, a To-Don’t list brings intentionality to what you want to say no to. 

Once your To-Don’t list is complete and you are actively not letting distractions consume your focus and efforts, you will notice how quickly your goals transition into accomplishments. Get your To-Don’t list fired up! 

Here are some examples I found on Oprah.com of To-Don’t list ideas:  

  • I will let go of answering the phone on the first ring—it makes me feel rushed and doesn’t give me time to prepare. 
  • I will let go of immediately saying yes or no to requests so I can take time to think about what works for me. 
  • I will let go of nodding my head when someone’s talking because I’ve learned that this often gets interpreted as assent or agreement. 
  • I will let go of trying to win the regard of my colleague because she’s made it clear that she resents me. 
  • I will let go of getting pulled into the gossip fests that plague our unit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 
  • I will let go of answering questions with “Yes but,” since it’s just a disguised way of contradicting others. 


Okay so you are prepped and making ready for 2023…right? 

We here at Car Guys Agency hope you and your wonderful team are enjoying time with your families during the holidays. We wish you a happy and healthy new year that is full of successful vision, satisfied clients, and bountiful inventory! 

Create A Great YEAR IN ‘23