One thing I want to remind all you hard-working independent dealers out there is – you ARE the Neighborhood Transportation Bank and have been for over 100 years now. 


It does not matter if you are cash-n-carry; outside finance only, BHPH, or the hybrid blend most dealerships are becoming; The community you build, nurture, and ENGAGE can facilitate 10× future growth even in the roughest of times.  


Every day some advertisers say they have the secret to unlocking the hidden potential in all your data. What data is being evaluated? Does data = your customers’ file? No personality, no personal connection, just a series of texts and emails?  


In all my years of working with highly motivated, passionate, goal-driven, often unorthodox, and very profitable dealerships; I have never witnessed true success grow from a “Quick fix to make money fast!!” program. We are all familiar with them.  


Unfortunately, many customers will make their purchase and never return – ending up just a name in an old folder.  The time-proven method of bringing customers back to you is to call them Since the start of my career, this is still the tool I use most.  Can you come across someone who was unhappy? Yes. Will you accept the challenge to go above and beyond to make it right for them? I sincerely hope so. Take the grumbles, then work your magic 


People want to feel valued in earnest. So… HOW do we show our customers that we value them? Firstly, your website and social media are other great places for customers to reach out to you and keep your customers engaged with your business. When you are Out of Sight, you are also Out of Mind. I see tons of dealerships posting pictures of customers and their new (preowned) vehicles on social media! (oh and...”Don’t forget to follow us so you can view and share it with your friends!”) This is an excellent way to tell your customers you appreciate them and their business.  


Whenever I reach out to my clients, I invest the time and my full attention into finding out more about how they are doing. Genuine interest sparks a genuine connection, and that my friends, is the key to making your customers feel valued. When I was in my car sales days, I would start by reaching out and asking customers during these tough economic times to inquire if they or anyone they knew had any spare vehicles they wanted to sell. In so many cases, I was able to help a customer in a rough spot and I was the salesperson they thought of when they or their family and friends became ready to purchase a vehicle. I would then close the call by offering a pre-paid dozen donuts via email coupon from a local donut shop in exchange for referring an interested buyer.   (Community Chest Bonus! Helping another self-owned business grow in the process). This is your opportunity to build, connect, nurture, and grow within your community. 


I have been in this business for a long time; I can guarantee a unique perspective guiding and mentoring the growth and stability of your dealership. Reach out to us and let’s get your *first consultation scheduled! I offer highly personalized solutions that can position your dealership towards new achievable outcomes.  


Create a GREAT day!
Tom Hampton


*The number of consultations recommended for your specific situation varies by person.

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